
Ready to launch website for Electronic, Electro mechanical distributers & manufacturers with Reorder Magnets!!


Remove Website Malware

We safely remove any malicious code in your website file system and database. We restore your site completely.

Remove Blocklist Status

Websites with security warnings lose 95% of their traffic. We submit blocklist removal requests on your behalf.

Repair SEO Spam

SEO spam keywords and link injections harm your brand. Make sure your website looks right in search engines

Prevent Future Attacks

Our website firewall (WAF) blocks attacks by filtering malicious traffic. We stop hacks and speed up your site.

Website with RFQs & Reorder Magnets

Launch in a Snap

Time is money, and you can save lots of it with our ready-to-go Web platform. Get-Set-Launch

Get Lots of RFQs

Website is flow is optimized to capture customer details and requirements. lead magnets

Customer Pricing Contracts

Upload your pricing contracts on your website, and your website will handle the rest.

Customer Credit Limits

Sync up your customer account numbers and what the credit limit should be for each one of them.

15 Minute Inventory upload

Upload your inventory or products you are dealing with in just 15 Min. Get-Set-Launch

Search Engine Magnets

Our search engine's welcoming structure motivates them to show your parts on Google.

Net 30 terms

Your customers love Net 30, and so does your website loves taking order on Net 30.

Tax Rates & Certificates

Built in updated Tax rates for all the Zips along with Tax certificate management for tax free orders.

Optimized to perform

The platform is auto-optimized for heavy traffic protected by multiple layers of firewalls.

Configurable Products

The platform is auto-optimized for heavy traffic protected by multiple layers of firewalls.

Scheduled Orders

Build an order pipeline, get scheduled orders from your customers, and stay future ready.

Multiple Payment methods

Net 30, Credit, Debit Cards, Google, Apple Pay etc. for Small over the counter orders. 


Hire Marketing Place Software

Every hour we spend in the office, we have only one mission: to create a perfect website for the component industry, which can help your marketing team get more business.

Our websites have all the tools required to keep your customers glued, from deep integration with your ERP to Deep integration with Google. Or to make the user experience super smooth in finding the information he is looking for, Distyman Web Suite is always focused on every aspect, which can make your visitor’s experience a cakewalk.

Hire Marketing Support

Distyman invests 50% in R&D to make sure our software is always ready for the rapidly changing digital curve.

We make sure that customers using our software are always ahead of the competition and ahead of time. 

Websuite has a dedicated R&D department, as soon as we identify a potential module helpful for the industry, or Google plans to launch a change in algorithm, our teams create a new version and roll it out for all our customers. 


Other Support Extension

We have already done it for you. 

We have worked with the Component industry for decades and understand the requirements from designs to modules, what works and what does not. 

We can also quickly adapt and change requests, suggestions, and anything specific to your business. 

AI Optimized Database, Compression and Caching

DistyMan utilizes AI to select the optimal database structure and caching method for your site, in combination with state-of-the-art hosting:

  • LiteSpeed Architecture – 5 x Faster than Linux
  • 16 Dual-Core Processors + 2 terabytes of RAM
  • 10 gigabytes per Second Ports
  • Multiple Firewalls + RAID 5 Back-Up
  • Proprietary compression and optimisation on the fly.
  • Advanced Content Delivery Network

This approach is proven to support >50 million parts while maintaining less than 3-second page loads.


Easy Maintenance

Usability is just as critical to “site editors” as it is to “site visitors”. Here are just a few ways we have optimized our maintenance processes to support the novice design / content management team:

  • Import / export  / automation with Data Exchange
  • Curated data library of 16 million+ parts from Open Product Data
  • One-click edit for easy update / fixing content
  • Drag and drop page builders
  • Multiple category /  page  layouts to choose from
  • Easy to clone and release “new designs”
  • Online documentation & training videos
  • 24/5 support from USA and New Delhi

What Google says about our web pages

Google ranks DistyMan pages 60 – 580% faster than the websites of industry giants, as shown to the right. Typical websites reflect the technology widely adopted at the time they were created. Assuming a 12 month design cycle, most sites are at least one year behind the technology curve before they even launch.

DistyMan being a platform, remains focused on emerging technologies and continual platform growth. Our sites will always be ahead of the curve to surpassing even the greatest of competitors.


The CO$T of a Slow Page Load

  • Search Engine spiders are allotted with limited time to crawl and index your site, leaving many pages off of the search listings.

  • Slower pages are penalized by search engines algorithms for providing a less-than-optimal visitor experience.

  • For every 1 second increase to page load, bounce and conversion rates worsen by as much as 20%.

  • Frustrated visitors are 88% likely to never return.

Fast search which leads to RFQs

  • Parametric Search
  • Quick Part number search
  • Filters & Sorting
  • No page refresh RFQ Carts 
  • Sample requests

We have provided all thoughtful tools which blend perfectly with your marketing strategy for lots of RFQs

Talk to our sales team today for Demo


From RFQ to Order

When RFQ is received, it can be quoted, customer can review and accept/reject it. Once accepted, the customer can order right from Distiman Websuite at the special pricing and MOQ mentioned in the quote. 

The special pricing is good until the quotes are valid. 

Customers can place orders on Net 30 terms or directly by paying by CC. They can schedule the orders if allowed. 

Upcoming Due orders pending fulfillment or payment due can be reconciled, filtered, and printed.

All the above with Blazing API builder and connected with other Websuite products. 

Hosted On Cloud

Websuite by Distyman is hosted on the cloud and is always available to access 24x7x365 without worrying about servers and IT infrastructure, its scalable when and where you need. Request access to Websuite to amplify the experience of your online users, empower them by access to information when they need it quickly, swiftly and cost effectively.

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